Choose the Right Pricing Plan for Your Programmatic Business





DSP Core

$250/month OR

5% of Ad Spend if higher



$500/month OR

5% of ad spend if higher


DSP Business

$1250/month OR

5% of ad spend if higher


DSP Enterprise

Talk to us!

Queries per Second QPS IThe number of ad requests your platform will process per second. Up to 5,000 QPS Up to 5,000 QPS Up to 10,000 QPS Over 10,000 QPS
Number of Users IThe number of admin users included in the plan.  1 5 5 Talk to us!
Number of Advertiser Accounts INumber of Advertiser accounts included in each plan.  10 20 50 Talk to us!
CDN (Video Formats) IThe pricing is based on the total GB of data streamed.   $0.050 per GB $0.050 per GB $0.050 per GB $0.050 per GB
White Label Domain IUse your own branded domain for the platform, maintaining your brand identity.  Sub Domain Only Sub Domain Only Custom Domain  Custom Domain 
White Label Branding ICustomize the platform with your own logo, colors, and brand identity.  Add-on Add-on Yes Yes
Ad Formats IAd formats supported by EXADS. Check out all available formats.  Core Formats IEXADS Core Ad Formats: IAB Standard Banners.  Core +3 Ad Formats Core +6 Ad Formats Talk to us!
Analytics IMonitor the performance of your advertising. Core Dimensions IEXADS Analytics Dimensions included: Country, Ad Format, Categories, Advertising dimensions, Publishing dimensions, Account Managers, Biz Dev Managers.  Core +3 Dimensions Core +6 Dimensions Talk to us!
 Self Serve IGive Advertisers autonomy and don't miss out on any deal.  Add-on Add-on Yes Yes
Campaign Compliance IProtect your platform from non-compliant ads and malvertising.  Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
2FA IAdd an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification step during login. Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Custom Key/Value Targeting IUse your 1st Party Data to increase targeting accuracy and ROI. Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Targeting Dimensions ITarget audiences with precision. Check out all Targeting Dimensions available.  Core Dimensions IEXADS Core Targeting Dimensions: Site, Zone, Country, Category, Device, Device Type. Core +3 Dimensions Core +6 Dimensions Talk to us!
Advertiser Settings        
Number of Campaigns I
The total active advertising campaigns you can run simultaneously.
30 300 3,000 Talk to us!
Email Passing IImprove audience targeting with email passing. Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Pricing Models & Optimizations        
Conversion Goals & Retargeting ICreate goals and retarget audiences to increase the likelihood of conversions. Add-on Yes Yes Yes
Smart Bid IAutomatically determine the optimal bid for campaigns by analyzing campaign data. Add-on Add-on Yes Yes
Bidder IAn automatic tool that optimizes bids based on conversions and blocks non-converting ad zones. Add-on Add-on Yes Yes
Financial Management IEasily handle billing, view invoices, and set preferred payment methods. Add-on Add-on Yes Yes
Programmatic RTB Supply        
Custom SSP Integration IIncrease ad inventory by integrating with programmatic sources.  Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Priority Support (Business hrs) IGet a dedicated Slack/Skype channel for direct access to our team. Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Dedicated Account Manager IA dedicated person to provide personalized support and expert guidance. Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Custom Development ICustom development tailored to your specific needs is available for an additional fee, depending on the work required. Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes

Note: A setup fee of $1,000 is applicable to all pricing plans. 

Get Started Now

You could have your own ad platform up and running now, what are you waiting for?

Included in All Plans

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CDN (Display Formats)

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API Access

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Advanced Documentation


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White Labelling and Domains

Make your ad server look and feel as part of your brand.

Prices Margin2 (2)
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Self-service Technology

Streamline your sales and operational processes.

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Ad Refresh

Refresh content on multiple ad zones to increase revenue.

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Enable 2FA

Add an extra layer of security with 2 Factor Authentification.

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Responsive Display Ads

Enable the automatic creation of ad variations from uploaded assets.

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Conversion Tracking/Retargeting

Increase the efficiency of ad campaigns with greater accuracy.

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The Bidder

Optimize bids for ad zones based on the likelihood of conversion.

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Smart Bid

Automatically determines the optimal bid for campaigns by analyzing campaign data.

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Custom RTB integrations

Expand your advertising reach with new demand and supply sources.

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Campaign Compliance

Protect your platform from non-compliant ads and malvertising.

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Email Passing

Improve audience targeting with email passing.

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Financial Management

Easily handle billing, view invoices & set payment methods.

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Custom Key/Value Targeting

Use your 1st Party Data to increase targeting accuracy and ROI.
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Priority Support (Business hrs)

Get a dedicated Slack/Skype channel for direct access to our team.
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Dedicated Account Manager

A dedicated person to provide support and expert guidance.

Get Started Now

You could have your own ad platform up and running now, what are you waiting for?