
Access all of our powerful features to bring your advertising to the next level.

EXADS features

EXADS Features


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Your branding is part of your identity. With EXADS white-label technology, your ad platform will look and feel like an extension of your business to the smallest detail.





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Empower your platform users. Invite advertisers and publishers to create, monitor, and optimize their own campaigns and ad zones. Streamline your sales and operations to never miss a deal.




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Monitor and measure your KPIs against your goals with the ultimate analytics features. Carry out intelligent data analysis and assess the performance of your campaigns with granular real-time reports.



Advanced Targeting

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Unparalleled targeting options that provide high precision and guarantee maximum impact for your campaigns. Increase your returns while providing a better experience for the targeted audiences.


Advanced Targeting


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A large variety of features for campaign creation, optimization, and management within an intuitive interface: campaign compliance, conversion tracking, automatic campaign optimizations, and more.



Ad Block Recovery

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EXADS offers an efficient and easy-to-implement adblock monetization solution to help you gain your lost revenue. Show your ads to users who have ad blocking software installed and switched on.


Ad Block Recovery

Malvertising Protection

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Protect your brand, clients, and audiences with an automated solution that helps you eliminate malvertising, lack of ad compliance, and bad-quality ads. Over 40 detections available through AdSecure.


Malvertising Protection

Programmatic/RTB Support

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Powerful features that help you take full advantage of the benefits of programmatic advertising and real-time bidding. Plug in all your demand and supply partners with minimum effort.



Programmatic/RTB Support


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Everything you need to deliver engaging and compelling video ads. Integrate seamlessly with all the industry standard video players. Serve ads on all channels including CTV or live-stream video ads.



Admin Features

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Manage all aspects of your online advertising business effortlessly, from a single interface. Full management & statistics API. Unlimited role-based self-serve accounts. Third-party integrations.


Admin Features

Pricing Models

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Select the pricing model that best suits the objectives of each of your campaigns. From essential pricing models to more advanced and smart models, EXADS offers an extensive choice for all.


Pricing Models

Payment Support

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One of the most comprehensive financial management systems available in the ad industry. A vast array of options within an intuitive user interface that delivers an unparalleled user experience.


Payment Support

Get Started Now

You could have your own ad platform up and running now, what are you waiting for?