EXADS Ad Server for In-App Ads

App monetization has never been so easy!
EXADS Mobile Ad Server to monetize Apps

Monetize Your App Smarter

Your app can easily add a high-margin revenue stream by monetizing data with EXADS white-label Ad Server. Customize your platform today and access an extensive range of ad formats and targeting features for in-app advertising.
Segment and target audiences using 1st-party data

Enhance user experience with personalized ads

Customize your ads for better user engagement

Self-serve technology for streamlined sales

Real-time and detailed performance monitoring

Circumvent ad blockers & increase ad revenue

Display relevant in-app ads and increase the CTR and conversion rates for your advertisers while offering an enhanced user experience, only with EXADS.

In app advertising with EXADS Mobile ad server

The Ideal Monetization Solution For

Dating Apps

Delivery Apps

Booking Apps

Gaming Apps

E-commerce Apps

Fintech Apps

Get Started

You could have your own ad platform up and running now, what are you waiting for?